ANZAC day during a pandemic

Hi everyone,

There have been many changes in ours lives this year. We started a new decade, a virus swept through the world, irrevocably changing the way we see how we live. The pandemic of 2020 will no doubt go down in the history books, but it was more then just the health impact. Around the world millions of people lost their jobs, homes and loved ones. Air travel ground to a complete halt, seeing friends became illegal, walking in the street meant you had to had a valid reason for leaving the house. Hand sanitiser became worth more then gold or oil.

While these are all things that occurred during this pandemic, so were other important things, marriages were put on hold, milestone birthday celebrated over zoom parties and graduations cancelled. But this does not mean the importance of these events is dampened.

This ANZAC day, the shrine will be empty, void of the row upon row of coloured floral arrangements. The dawn service will pass with only a small cluster of devoted members. The parade that so many cherished will be a memory of the year before. But even though this is not the ANZAC day that these soldiers deserve, it is one where we still remember them. The minutes silence will still be deafening and this ANZAC day will go down in the history books just like every other important milestone that occurred during this pandemic, forever immortalised as another event that occurred while the pandemic was on.

Lest we forget.


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