140 pages !!!!!!!!!!

Hello fellow book eaters,

Today I am reviewing Tom Clancy’s code of honour by Marc Cameron

Category:  crime drama 
Reading level: advanced 

Let’s grab our book marks and dive in!

Code of honour follows Jack Ryan as he takes the Oval Office as president of the United Stated of America and the Chinese government steals an AI program with the intention of using it against America. 

I’m going to be honest, this book had 7 different storyline’s within the one major storyline. It took 140 pages. Yes that’s right 140 pages just giving background of each main characters storyline before anything happened. And to make it more confusing each characters chapter would end right on a pivotal point in the investigation, then the next chapter would follow a new character and start from the beginning again 😩

I am a huge crime drama fan : NCIS - regularly binge watch, CSI - would not change the channel if it was on, in fact I love CSI so much I went to the museum in Las Vegas. So I was super excited to read this book. But wow... I understand the need to create background but with so many characters are main characters switching between chapters was super confusing, and to be honest I’m still wondering what happened to Noonan (the main protagonist) who sold the AI software. He was mentioned so much in the first 140 pages then ... crickets. It became about he priest, general Li and general Bai. 

So to sum up, I am going to be honest, if I had to pick apart the book and every character I would be writing a 10000 word essay, because there was just so so much spoken about the characters, their wives, partners and events in their lives.  I was hoping to read something the followed Jack Ryan as he and his band of friends fight crime. This book was not what I got. Was there crime fighting... yes. But there was more listing of weapons and talking amongst the three different operational teams then actual fighting crime. 

Do I think Marc Cameron is some sort of wizard writing and intertwining so many different storyline’s... bloody oath. Would I recommenced this book... probably not, I found it super confusing and hard to read, to he point where I skimmed most of the pages and was still able to keep up.  I aptly named this post 140 pages because I think that is a ludicrous amount of pages in order to explain the background of each character, it became overkill to be quite honest. 

I am intrigued to read the next book written by mike maden, to how and if the writing style changes.  

Signing off now,

Jack Ryan Jr I’m in your service. 🕵🏻


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