The Heir and The Crown - Book review
The Heir and The Crown follow Eadlyn as she gets ready to inherit the throne. Moral is down in Illea and her parents decide to hold a new selection for the chance to win Eadlyn's hand in marriage. 35 suitors are let into the castle and thus began a new selection.
Disappointed. That is truly the only way i can express how i feel about these two books. I decided to combine these two books in a review because honestly they were both just as terrible as the other.
I am a giant Selection fan, i loved the series so so much and i honestly couldn't wait to read the spin off series. I ordered these books on book depository along with other books and i was super frustrated that they were literally the last books to arrive and they were the most anticipated ones.
When i started reading 'The Heir', i loved that all our favourite characters from 'The Selection' series had come back only 20 years later. My biggest issue how they were all portrayed i really resented these books. Eadlyn was the worst written character i have come across in a long time. She was annoying, bratty and just down right spoiled. I had high hopes for her given that America was such a well written character, she understood struggles and the plight of normal average people. I had really hoped that was going to trickle down and be what underpinned Eadlyn as her character basis. Instead we met a girl, who had laws changed for her so she would be able to rule, she felt her public should love and appreciate her simply for being alive. It was such a horrifying view that i honestly could not stand to read about her. My favourite part in the book was when her twin brother told her as much. When he literally spelled out that she has no connection with her people, i was cheering. Finally, at least the author had realised she had pushed Eadlyn too far that she needed to reel her in and give her a dose of reality...
Apart from the fact that i found the main character in this book to be just horrible, i hated how she acted around the selection. I hated how the author portrayed the young men, i understand the message that was trying to be delivered how consent for touching is needed, but i felt the author took it from one extreme to another in the space of a sentence and to be quite frank, i was offended. She turned simple touching on the arm into some sort of debauchery act and made jack out to be some sort of predator.
I loved how Eadlyn had stole kisses with Kile (Marlee's son), and i was honestly using that as my saving grace for the book. I was like yassss this is exactly what we wanted, best friends children getting together. More than anything the ending left me questioning why i had bothered to pick this up at all, I was just so confused how after Eadlyn spent so long with various other guys, Kile included that she chose Erik? Because he whisked her away 2 times? It just really made a parallel character comparison, here you have Eadlyn who thinks everyone should worship her, but she needs a man to keep her safe? It was confusing to me. Kiera Cass was sending all these positive messages about how women should have consent, a woman is strong and capable, but then when things get tough, dont worry a man will be there to sweep you off and take you to safety.
If i could give myself advice before buying these books it would be dont! dont waste your time, energy and most importantly change your perception of the original series because it was just fantastic.
⭐️ ⭐️ /5 my rating is combined.
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