Shadow and bone (bone review)

 Honestly all hail Queen Leigh, her ability to weave a world is phenomenal. i loved the Grishaverse. The story beings with Alina and Mal, orphans living in the duke Keramsov, until they come of age and become soliders in the kings army.

A terrible accident and Alina reveals herself to be a Grisha an all powerful being, only she isnt just an ordinary Grisha. She is a sun summoner, the only person who can help defeat the darkness in the fold. As the darkling take her to the king, and trains her under the proviso that she will be the the person to save Rivka. What she doesnt know is the Darkling, has no intention of letting that happen and instead want to use her to take over the kingdom. Alina escape the Darklings hold.In persuite of the Morozovan stag to amplify her powers Alina, runs into the Darkling and is taken found.

I loved how this book whilst it ended in a cliff hanger it wasn't that bad and fed really nicely into the next book siege and storm.

I love, love, loved this book. The characters were so well developed and there was defiantly a strong love presence between Mal and Alina. This story is a friends to lovers which i really love. The characters had a complexity to their stories and there were a lot of plot twists that had me constantly guessing.



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