The secret life of Shirley Sullivan - behind the scenes

With the closing of my giveaway of the lovely secret life of Shirley Sullivan on my page (caroline_bookeater). I asked the lovely Author 
Lisa Ireland some questions about her creative thinking behind the book and these were her responses. 

What was the inspiration behind writing Shirley in TSLOSS?

Years ago, I was flicking through a newspaper when I came across an article about an elderly couple who had escaped from their nursing home and gone on the run. They evaded authorities for days – even slipping out of police custody at one point!


I was captivated by this story. I kept wondering where it was they were running to. I knew I wanted to write about these gutsy octogenarians one day and I kept the idea percolating away at the back of my mind for almost a decade.


Then, in 2018, I discovered a box filled with my parents’ old love letters. These were written in the early 1960s and filled with fascinating details of day to day life at that time. It occurred to me that I could use these letters as the inspiration for Frank and Shirley’s back story. 


Did you pre plan writing the back- story before you started writing the chapter where Shirley was elderly? 


No, that’s not the way I work. I don’t outline or heavily plan any part of the story. I write a draft, which evolves as I write and I research as I go. When the first draft is complete I go back and do more in-depth research. When I started I had my inspiration for my characters, and I knew Shirley had a secret, but I didn’t know what the secret was until I was halfway through the book.


This book really pulled at my heart strings. Was it as emotional writing about such a touching couple and subject (being a wide putting her ailing husband in a nursing home)?


The character of older Frank was based on my grandfather, who had Alzheimer’s disease, so I was writing about something my family has had direct experience with. That did make it emotional for me in some ways. In other ways it was an enjoyable book to write. I did the same road trip that Shirley takes Frank on, which was lots of fun.


How long was Shirley and Franks story in your mind before you started writing it?


I had been thinking about this story (in one way or another) for over a decade before I started writing it. It sat percolating at the back of my mind until I found my parents’ letters. That’s when I realised I was finally ready to write this particular story.

It was such a pleasure to read more about how Lisa delved into her characters, her thought processes and how she planned this novel. I found it fascinating how this story was simmering in her mind for nearly a decade, but was pleasantly pleased that it took such time to write as it really gave Lisa a chance to produce some of the best work i've read this year. 

I loved this book, i found i had such a connection with Shirley, and her love for Frank. This book is a must read, if i had any sort of power i would nominate it for the 2021 ABIA.

Bye for now. 


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